Warmth in the cold


Finally, I am finding a pocket of time in which to write. It feels like ages, since I was last here and I must say I have missed it. As I wrote in my last post, we have been suffering from illness over here. As soon as I recovered – literally the day after I felt my energies return slowly, my husband went down with a heavy virus, from which he is only just recovering, almost three weeks later 😦 so all of February has passed in a bit of a blur….

Today is the second day of March and we have snow!!!


It is so absolutely thrilling for us, having resigned ourselves to another winter without. What a gift! My daughters have been running outside first thing in the morning, to play in the snow and although there hasn’t been deep snow, they have enjoyed making snow angels, building miniature snow bears πŸ™‚ and drawing a snowman on the snow covered pond…and throwing snowballs of course πŸ™‚


They had an afternoon off school and went sledging with Daddy (while I was at college). We have certainly been enjoying the snow covered world in all its beauty and wonder.


Only the other day, as we walked around our local park, we felt that spring was in the air; the birds were very vocal, Β the daffodils were out and the sun felt warm on our skin. I wondered about setting the Nature Table up for spring, but luckily didn’t have the time, as finally our winter scene has come to fruition. πŸ™‚


We may even have more snow tonight. Hurrah!

So let’s see what we have been up to in the last few weeks…hmmn…

We had our half term break after my husband came down with illness, which was lucky, in a way, as we didn’t have to rush off anywhere early in the morning and I was still not totally recovered energy-wise. We had a lovely break really: slow days, lots of cooking, making and baking and seeing friends.

After three weeks of illness and also missing Candlemas, I thought it was important to spend lots of time doing nice things together; to reconnect and to find the joy in family life again. We finally rolled some beeswax candles, that I had ordered for Candlemas and my daughters decorated them with beeswax hearts that they stamped out of theseΒ thin beeswax sheets.


On Valentines, we went overboard with hearts, pinks and reds!


For breakfast, we made pancakes and heart shaped waffles with fried apples and cinnamon which we all enjoyed.


We also did a lot of baking – jam tarts, ginger biscuits…

and heart shaped rolls for dinner with pink (beetroot) soup!

I noticed that the girls really appreciated all these touches and they were very much involved in the making of all these edibles. I also made our favouriteΒ carob sweets, this time adding a cranberry to the middle and some chopped nuts, which made them extra special, we thought.



I love these happy photos – the girls insisted on wearing the heart ‘crowns’ that we made with friends many moons ago (basically felt hearts, threaded onto red yarn).

We made each other gifts for Valentines. Β My husbandΒ was in bed all day, but we opened his presents for him and put them, and his cards, by the window in the hope that it would make him feel loved.


Below are the presents my eldest made us. My youngest made her sister the heart with the penguin on it, Β so we all got a heart! There was a distinct dolphin theme for Daddy πŸ™‚


Here are my presents πŸ™‚ Can you tell the girls know I love purple?! πŸ˜‰

I Β managed to knit up a couple of quick hearts for my daughters in the two nights beforehand. I didn’t have time or the headspace for anything more creative. They are pleased with them, which is all that matters!

My daughters also made cards for all the animals, including our guinea pig Bubble and our hen Delilah who died last year. Delilah’s has been laminated and is by her grave.



Gosh just noticed how creased the tablecloth looks here – eek!Β 

The hens also have theirs laminated to hang by their coop!


They still have their Christmas lights and baubles up too! Bless them they are so cold out in the snow, they have stopped eating and are just huddled up together looking miserable 😦 Any tips are very welcome.

My daughters have been playing lots and there were various scenes set up all over the house and garden! Things were feeling a bit chaotic, so I had a big tidy up today to create some order again. When the girls came home after school, they remarked on how much better it felt – like a clean slate.


They have also been drawing lots and just being creative, which is always nice to see.




We saw friends in the afternoons on quite a few occasions over half term, which was lovely, after having been stuck at home and reclusive for a few weeks. The girls enjoyed some dressing up with a friend in a local museum. πŸ™‚




Last week was a busy one for me, with lots of study and trying to sort our car out (the insurers wanted to write it off because of the cost of repairing it, but I have now found a local garage that will do the repairs mid March, with second hand doors, so hopefully that is now sorted. Β It does annoy me how easily they write a perfectly decent car off Β though….)

After the girls returned to school on Tuesday, I only had four days in which to study ten subjects in preparation for a mid-term exam – Cytology, the Skeletal System, the Muscular System, the Respiratory System, Cardiology, the Blood, the Digestive System and Digestive Pathologies, the Lymphatic system and Skin and the Endocrine System… you get the picture!!! Quite a bit!! I had hoped to have the weekend for further study, but my husband had not recovered yet, so I only managed a couple of hours each day really.Β This sort of intense study doesn’t suit me at all. I had another intense study session on Monday and my head was buzzing with all the information I had studied, so I had an early night and felt all I could do was trust and hope….


The next day, it had snowed overnight and the world looked so peaceful and pretty, Unfortunately that didn’t mean peaceful traffic and there was a fair bit of tension involved in getting to the exam in one piece with the icy roads!! The UK is never prepared for snow!!

I think the exam went o.k, considering the fact I didn’t have enough time to study everything, with illness and half term and family life. I certainly had to reduce my expectations of doing well!!!

Afterwards, I took a walk outside to try to calm my system down and was so happy to hear the crunch of snow underfoot and to feel the crisp fresh air on my face.


I missed out on sledging, but I enjoyed a walk around the college campus to take in the beauty of it all and breathe in deeply. I experienced a sense of deep peace, which I have not felt for a while. What a gift.


Wishing you all a peaceful, gentle time, whatever the weather!



6 thoughts on “Warmth in the cold

  1. All your hearts are so lovely and you got your snow! I’m glad to hear that you feel peaceful about your exam. Life has a way of keeping us on our toes, doesn’t it? I hope your spring is a healthy one!


    • Thanks for your sweet message Brandy. You are right, it certainly does keep us on our toes! Yes hurrah for snow, however short-lived! I thought the cold would kill off the bugs too but looks like we are getting colds again – sob!! Funny start to the year. Roll on spring!


  2. Anna! Quite an eventful few weeks you all had. Sickness, car accident, exams… Intense, to say the least. And you are always so busy crafting and baking with your girls! No wonder your energy levels are low. Take good care and please let us know the exam results πŸ™‚ Keep well


    • Thanks for your sweet message Chiara. I didn’t do much crafting or baking with the girls since Christmas time really…just bits and pieces…so I felt like I owed them some nice cosy times togethe, making things together, during our half term break. It took some energy, but was also well worth it for the pleasure it gave us all. Unfortunately now we all have colds again!!! So you are probably right, more rest is in order!! πŸ™‚


  3. Was going to say glad you are feeling better but saw your previous comment you have colds again,not fair but yay you got snow, was thinking of you, as we were enjoying yet more snow and hoping you got some to enjoy too πŸ™‚ The valentine crafts look so sweet, hope your exam went well,that is a lot to take in.


    • Ah thanks so much Helen for your sweet message and thinking of us the snow. Snow was such a lovely surprise for us! Even went sledging at the local park on Friday with my eldest. Great fun! It has been a funny period and do hope things will get back to normal soon. I am craving routine and predictability! My youngest is off school again! Onward…


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